Aug 7, 2009


"In February 1974 he (JPI) gave an interview to the Venetian daily Il Gazzettino in which he made a statement that would have had incalculable implications had his papacy not been cut short. He reminded Catholics that they were obliged to abide by Humanae Vitae, then he added: 'However, the practical difficulties remain. When the faithful tell me about them, I understand them very well. If I were the 'divine master of the law', I would abolish the law.'"

(taken from God's Candidate by Paul Spackman, pg. 63-4)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this important quotation... and I do appreciate your very gay friendly site! I look forward to other people posting comments!

Paul said...

Thanks for adding this quote Jayden. As the author, I am still looking for material of 'gay relevance' as I continue writing... and my own personal investigation of gay sexuality! So I invite people to reply to this post and enter into dialogue, thanks.

Paul said...

I have just received some more information on Luciani's attitudes as bishop towards homosexuality, and will be adding it to my greatly enlarged revision of 'God's Candidate' that will hopefully be published in Italian this year or next. I will post further, and still seek further input on this issue... and anyone who wants to correspond - in confidence - on gay sexuality in the Church in general, share experiences etc, email me at , thanks!