Apr 30, 2016

Two LGBT activists marytred in Bangladesh

Photo taken from Jesus in Love Blog

A very sad story just posted at Kittredge Cherry's Jesus in Love Blog:

Two outstanding gay activists, seen above, were hacked to death for"being pioneers of practicing and promoting homosexuality in Bangladesh" on April 25 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. That was just five days ago!

Read the full account at Jesus in Love Blog. I'm familiar with both men, having seen their photos before - but I can't remember where, unless it was also in a previous posting at Jesus in Love. Not sure.

Yet another sad story of LGBT oppression in the name of 'religion,' and another two saints added to the Communion of Saints interceding for us struggling gay folks here on Planet Earth. Saints Xulhaz and Tanay pray for us. 

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Kittredge Cherry said...

Thanks for sharing the sad news and the grief over this loss. The misuse of religion by extremists to condone murder adds to the tragedy of their deaths. All life, including LGBT lives, must be honored and protected as God intended. May their memory and spirit inspire us now and always.