May 15, 2016

Pentecost in Prague

Attended Pentecost services today at the beautiful Catholic Church of St. Thomas in Mala Strana (something I rarely do). Surprised to see that the papal nuncio, Bishop Giuseppe Leanza was presiding - over a confirmation ceremony of 4 young teens, two boys and two girls, and one adult male. Bishop Leanza has just recently been elevated to the red hat, Cardinal Leanza now.
Why was this of interest? Well, the holy, much loved and open minded pastor of St. Thomas, Fr. William, was presiding with the Bishop over the ceremony. So??? Father William is accustomed to ending all Sunday masses with this warm announcement: "All Catholics are welcomed here in the family of St. Thomas, regardless of marital status or sexual orientation". And occasionally he will add, "All are welcomed to the banquet table of the Lord, no one is judging you here at St. Thomas".
Wow. For those not familiar with the arcane, murky and very dark world of Roman Catholicism at this point in history, these announcements could not be more contrary to directives from the Holy See. And if any irate conservative Catholics were to complain, to whom would they voice their ire? To the Papal Nuncio - a very warm, unassuming and amiable man whom I met at the coffee klatch in the sanctuary afterwards, together with Father William. Both men seemed on very good terms.
How long has Father William been getting away with this "outrageous" behavior without being silenced (behavior that should seem perfectly normal in a healthy religious community)? For the past eight years I've been in Prague at least. A truly good and admirable priest, Father William recently suffered a stroke and now walks with a cane.
Signs of Grace and the workings of the Spirit on this feast of Pentecost. In dark times, even small rays of light are like water in the desert. (Something of interest for William D. Lindsey).
Of course, there's more here than meets the eye. Bishop (now Cardinal) Leanza was the apostolic nuncio in Ireland at the time of the publication of the damning Cloyne Report, examining the child abuse crisis in within the Catholic Church - which prompted a searing indictment from Prime Minister Enda Kenny, who had spoken harsh words at the Vatican, holding that "the rape and torture of children were found to be understated and managed with the aim of protecting the Church". Shortly thereafter, in 2011, Bishop Leanza was recalled to Rome for 'consultations', and shortly after that he was reassigned to the Czech Republic. 

(Photo header is of Father William giving marriage instructions. Photo below. Father William and Cardinal Leanza.)

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