Mar 9, 2013

Stunning Stations of the Cross for LGBT Folks

Many thanks to Jesus in Love Blog for these stunning stations of the cross that link the crucifixion of Jesus with the suffering of LGBT people and their/our struggle for equality. Mary Button is the artist and you can read her statement at Believe Out Loud Blog which also hosts all 15 of the Stations for free download.

Station 1: Jesus is condemned to death

1913: The word "faggot" is first used in print in reference to gays in a vocabulary of criminal slang published in Portland, Oregon. The drawings in this station come from the cover of one such dictionary of slang.

Station 2: Jesus carries his cross

1924: The first homosexual rights organization in America is founded by Henry Garber in Chicago – the Society for Human Rights. The group exists for a few months before disbanding under police pressure. The charter of the organization makes up the background of this station.

Station 3: Jesus falls the first time

1933: The National Socialist German Workers Party bans homosexual groups under Paragraph 175. Homosexuals are sent to concentration camps.

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Evan Carlinsmith said...

So beautiful and amazing artwork, this would be fantastic as a small booklet or fanzine. I would buy it.

Richard Demma said...

They are beautiful, aren't thet. Gives one a whole new perspective on the Passion.

Kittredge Cherry said...

Good news: Mary Button just finished the last painting in her LGBT Stations series: “Station 15: The Resurrection of Christ.” It shows the risen Christ with plaintiffs from the recent US Supreme Court decisions for marriage equality. Her painting makes the glorious connection between the crucified Christ coming out of the tomb to new life and persecuted queer people coming out of the closet to celebrate our love with weddings that are just as valid as any other. You can see the painting and read my reflection at the Jesus in Love Blog:

Resurrection added to LGBT Stations of the Cross: Jesus rises with marriage equality