Mar 11, 2013

Vatican Building Houses Europe's Biggest Gay Sauna

This was too delicious to pass up - at this time of gravitas and profundity for the august clerics who will begin the Conclave tomorrow. Talk about Karmic retribution from the Holiest of Spirits. This cannot be a coincidence!

From the Daily Beast:

Talk about unlikely neighbors. Apparently, the Holy See purchased $21 million in shares of a Rome apartment block that's home to Europe's biggest gay sauna. Cardinal Ivan Dias, head of the Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples, lives in an apartment in the palazzo, mere yards from the sauna's entrance. The Vatican owns 18 apartments total. The sauna is known for it's "bear nights," in which, according to its website,  “a hairy, overweight pastor of souls, is free to the music of his clergyman, remaining in a thong, because he wants to expose body and soul.” (Appears to be a phrase or two missing from this sentence.)

2000 m2 with hot guys, parties, music, foam, water and hammams.


food, friendly staff, darkroom, private cabins, cruising area, steamroom, jacuzzi, dry sauna, swimming pool, lockers, credit cards, smoking area

mon-thu 13:00–00:00, fri-sun 24h

Via Aureliana 40, Rome

OOOPS I took the wrong door! I thought it was the chapel.

Several of the younger Cardinals unwinding before the conclave. Hey, I'm all for an African Pope! 

As cardinals gather to elect Pope, Catholic officials break into a sweat over news that €23m investment includes gay sauna

A day ahead of the papal conclave, faces at the scandal-struck Vatican were even redder than usual after it emerged that the Holy See had purchased a €23 million (£21 million) share of a Rome apartment block that houses Europe’s biggest gay sauna.

The senior Vatican figure sweating the most due to the unlikely proximity of the gay Europa Multiclub is probably Cardinal Ivan Dias, the head of the Congregation for Evangelisation of Peoples, who is due to participate in tomorrow’s election at the Sistine Chapel.

This 76-year-old “prince of the church” enjoys a 12-room apartment on the first-floor of the imposing palazzo, at 2 Via Carducci, just yards from the ground floor entrance to the steamy flesh pot. There are 18 other Vatican apartments in the block, many of which house priests.

The Holy See is still reeling from allegations that the previous pontiff, Benedict XVI, had quit in reaction to the presence of a gay cabal in the curia.

And with disgraced Scottish cardinal Keith O’Brien lending new weight to charges of hypocrisy against the Church’s stance on homosexuality, La Repubblica newspaper noted that the presence of “Italy’s best known gay sauna in the premises is an embarrassment”.

Cardinal Dias, who is seen as a social conservative even by the current standards of the church hierarchy, is no doubt horrified to learn of the activities taking place a floor below.

It is not known, however, if the former archbishop of Bombay has popped downstairs to give spitiual guidances to the clients of the Europa Multiclub, given his belief that gays and lesbians can be cured of their “unnatural tendencies” through the “sacrement of penance”.

The sauna’s website promotes one of its special “bear nights”, with a video in which a rotund, hairy man strips down before changing into a priest’s outfit. It says Bruno, “a hairy, overweight pastor of souls, is free to the music of his clergyman, remaining in a thong, because he wants to expose body and soul”.

There was further embarrassment for the Holy See when the press observed that thanks to generous tax breaks it received from the last Berlusconi government,  the church will have avoided hefty payments to the Italian state. The properties are recognised as part of the Holy City.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Pope Emeritus Benedict’s widely disliked right-hand man, who held the Vatican’s purse strings during the last pontificate, was said to have been the brains behind the purchase of 2 Via Carduccio in 2008.

Readers on Italian gay websites were quick to make jokes at the cardinals’ expense. One on the site quipped: “’Oops, I took the wrong door, I thought it was the chapel.'…If you can’t go to the gay sauna for fear of being seen what do you do if you have millions of Euros stolen from Italians? You buy the apartment block with the sauna inside.”

More of the Papabili posing for the Paparazzi (actual advert photo from EMC Roma)

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Mama mia!.....Scandalo grande!!!

M.McShea said...

If the Vatican has a majority share in the property, is it a sovereign piece of the papal state?, who has ultimate jurisdiction in police investigations for real crimes - who has jurisdiction, the Rome Police or the Swiss Guards/Private Police Force of the Vatican city State? Sex and privacy of sex is one issue. Drunken cardinals wandering the streets naked in the A.M.-who does the police report? who tears up the report?- is another issue entirely.

Richard Demma said...

Why yes that is quite a profound question to ponder. All those naked cardinals cavorting about!

hrh said...

That shot prolly reminds Rodger Dodger Mahony of his trips to the seminary in Camarillo to events with the seminarians.