(see post above from Vietnam which puts all of this below into perspective-Benedict's visit is meant to be part of the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the fall of Communism)
Just back from the festivities and an all night vigil. Knackered.
Highlights -Just back from the festivities and an all night vigil. Knackered.
Vigil before the Blessed Sacrament at Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (more later)
the bare breasted women painted onto the sides of the carnival rides (censored)
Huge party the night before in Stara Boleslav with many young backpackers, rock concerts, folk music, break dancers, priests in skirts, nuns in habits, beer (pivo-lots and lots of it), sausages, Czech candies and snacks, trinkets, Hippie jewelry, cotton candy and a wild carnival with nudie pics and rides that flip you upside down 100 times a minute and that only an insane person would dare go on (me).
Getting Ready

Altar Girl (look carefully)
THE Slavic Look
Papa Arrives
Papa on the Pedestal
Altar Girl (only one?)
Contingent from Gdansk
Getting Ready
Altar Girl (look carefully)
Princes of the Church
THE Slavic Look
Papa Arrives
Papa on the Pedestal
Altar Girl (only one?)
Contingent from Gdansk
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